To keep Your Garden In Top Condition This Summer, Please Read The Following Tips:


    1. Keep Mowing – ideally you should be cutting your grass at least once a week during the summer months. Mowing little and often is better than letting it grow for a few weeks and then hacking it down all in one go. If you can, spread your grass clippings over your compost heap in shallow layers. If you dump it all on top in a huge mound then it could turn slimy and ruin the compost underneath.
    1. Watering – you can always expect quite a bit of rain during the British summer but if we get prolonged periods of sunny days it doesn’t mean that your garden has stored up all the previous rain. Keeping your garden watered is essential during the summer. You should give your garden a good soaking at least once or twice a week and this will draw the plant roots deeper into the nutritious soil. If you’ve got hanging baskets and containers these will need watering at least once a day and if it’s hot and windy, we recommend watering them twice a day. If you have a newly laid lawn then we recommend watering it every evening to allow it to flourish.
    1. Dealing With Pests – the warmer weather will also bring out the pests. Greenfly and blackfly love the warmer weather and these can be very damaging for your plants. Keep a look out for insect infestations on your plants and ask your local garden centre about the best products to buy in order to eradicate them.
    1. Protecting Your Produce – if you grow your own fruit and vegetables then you need to keep a close eye on them during the summer months. We recommend that you water regularly and keep picking. If you are growing vegetables in a greenhouse then remember that your greenhouse can get extremely hot in the summer so it makes sense to keep your vegetables shaded on especially hot days. It’s also a good idea to spray the floor of your greenhouse with water in the morning and this will create a humid atmosphere that your vegetables will thrive in. Avoid watering the floor at night because this could attract pests and cause disease.
    1. Feed The Birds – lots of people forget the birds during the summer because they think there’s enough food around for them anyway. If the ground hardens due to prolonged hot weather then birds will actually find it difficult to find food so if you supply some bird feed it will help them. Attracting birds to your garden will also help to keep insect pests down.


Follow the above tips and your garden will thrive this summer. For more gardening advice and to arrange regular garden maintenance please Contact Garden Busters now.


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