In order to get the most out of your garden and to have it looking in peak condition, it pays to have a plan. Knowing what you should be planting and when is all part and parcel of this so over the next couple of months here are a few recommendations:
Planting for May
Hopefully the threat of frost has now subsided and you can get on with planting your half-hardy annuals. Plants such as foxgloves, wallflowers and sweet williams can be sowed now as can any biennials. If you have any dahlias that you have raised from cuttings now would be a good time to plant those as well.
Make sure you are mowing your lawn regularly and ensure to water any seeded and newly turfed areas.
If you are into your vegetables then you can continue to make sowings of carrots, beans, peas and lettuce. You can also plant out Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, marrows and melons.
Planting for June
As the summer approaches your garden will be coming alive. Finish off the planting out of bedding and half-hardy plants and fill your borders with sweet peas and morning glory. It’s also hanging basket time! Get them filled with petunias and black-eyed Susan and enjoy the colour.
It’s also time for a bit of maintenance such as removing the seedpods from azalea and rhododendrons and spreading compost around shrubs and roses to keep them moist and protect them from the warmer weather.
For the vegetable enthusiasts now is a good time to sow courgettes, spinach, rocket and beans. If you’re lucky you may also be able to harvest some of your early summer cabbages and cauliflowers this month. And don’t forget, you can grow a range of different vegetables in large pots and growbags.
Every month brings a whole new set of plants to sow, maintenance to be done and jobs to think about. That is the pleasure of gardening; you will never run out of things to do!