Perennial plants are great for adding colour and seasonal interest to your garden. Blooming from April to November they will often attract bees and butterflies and also make great cut flowers too. You can use perennials as fillers between shrubs, grow them in containers or plant them to create a beautiful herbaceous border. Herbaceous perennials will return every year and as they mature, they will grow larger, bringing you pleasure for many years to come.
Here are the top 5 perennials for the garden:
- Lavender – highly fragrant, lavender will attract many bees and butterflies to your garden. They are great for planting in light, sandy soils or growing in patio containers. They will add a great splash of colour to your borders and you can take cuttings for indoor use as well.
- Rudbeckia – these popular perennials will give you long-lasting flowers similar to daisies which will brighten up your garden in late summer and early autumn. They fit in nicely with other perennials and will grow perfectly in heavy clay soils. They work well as a cut flower too.
- Geranium – these versatile perennials will grow just about anywhere. Ideal for shaded areas of the garden, geraniums are low maintenance and will provide colour throughout the summer. Geraniums can be used as ground cover or to fill gaps in your borders.
- Sedum – perfect for late summer and autumn colour. Sedums are tolerant of poor soils, easy to grow and ideal for planting at the front of herbaceous borders.
- Salvia Nemorosa – this produces beautiful purple flowers and will grow in abundance throughout summer and into autumn. They work well with mixed borders or grown with grasses and are highly attractive to bees and butterflies.
If you’re looking for low garden maintenance planting that will give you pleasure every year, then our top 5 perennials will keep you happy. For more gardening advice please contact Gardenbusters.